Thursday, May 26, 2011

Searching For The Perfect Shower Curtain...

I'm moving to my new city for college in the fall. I already have a shower curtain, but I've gotten board with my current one. I'm sure y'all know what i'm referring to. A girl just needs a change every now and again. I've decided that I don't want my bathroom decor to match my room. I think i'll like that fact that each is decorated differently. I want my bathroom to look girly, but at the same time still look grown up and classy if that makes sense. These are a few pictures of shower curtains that are at the top of my list right now. I would say that my top two favorite are the Brown and pink shower curtains. I just find them to be girly, upscale looking and gorgeous all at the same time. You wouldn't think picking out a shower curtain could be such a big decision.. but it turns out it really is. Girls typically spend a lot of time in their bathrooms, and I find that having the right shower curtain can really brighten your mood. If your reading you will have to let me know which one you like, or leave a comment with a link to a shower curtain that you love. I would love hearing what your thoughts are and what shower curtains you love.


  1. omg the pink polka dot one is sooo cute!

  2. I Love, Love, Love The first Shower Curtain Soooo Cute!!! <3

  3. I think the first one is the best too!

  4. The first shower curtain was my favorite too!
